Hate-Motivated Behavior & Bullying


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BP 5145.9: Hate-Motivated Behavior

The Governing Board is committed to providing a respectful, inclusive, and safe learning environment that protects students from discrimination, harassment, intimidation, bullying, or any other type of behavior that is motivated by hate.

Hate-motivated behavior is any behavior intended to cause emotional suffering, physical injury, or property damage through intimidation, harassment, bigoted slurs or epithets, force or threat of force, or vandalism motivated in part or in whole by bias or hostility toward the victim's real or perceived race, color, ancestry, nationality, national origin, immigration status, ethnic group identification, ethnicity, age, religion, marital status, pregnancy, parental status, physical or mental disability, medical condition, sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, gender expression, or genetic information, or any other characteristic identified in Education Code 200 or 220, Government Code 11135, or Penal Code 422.55.

The Superintendent or designee shall design strategies to promote harmonious relationships among students, prevent incidents of hate-motivated behavior to the extent possible, and address such incidents in a timely manner when they occur.

The Superintendent or designee shall collaborate with regional programs and community organizations to promote an environment where diversity is celebrated and hate-motivated behavior is not tolerated. Such collaborative efforts shall focus on the development of effective prevention strategies and response plans, provision of assistance to students affected by hate-motivated behavior, and/or education of students who have perpetrated hate-motivated acts.

The district shall provide students with age-appropriate instruction that:
  • Includes the development of social-emotional learning
  • Promotes an understanding, awareness, appreciation, and respect for human rights, human relations, diversity, and acceptance in a multicultural society
  • Explains the harm and dangers of explicit and implicit biases
  • Discourages discriminatory attitudes and practices
  • Provides strategies to manage conflicts constructively
  • As necessary, the district shall provide counseling, guidance, and support to students who are victims of hate-motivated behavior and to students who exhibit such behavior.

    When appropriate, students who engage in hate-motivated behavior shall be disciplined.

    The Superintendent or designee shall provide staff with training that:
  • Promotes an understanding of diversity, equity, and inclusion
  • Discourages the development of discriminatory attitudes and practices
  • Includes social-emotional learning and nondiscriminatory instructional and counseling methods
  • Supports the prevention, recognition, and response to hate-motivated behavior
  • Raises the awareness and sensitivity of staff to potentially prejudicial and discriminatory behavior
  • Includes effective enforcement of rules for appropriate student conduct
Employees who engage in hate-motivated behavior shall be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal.
Rules prohibiting hate-motivated behavior and procedures for reporting a hate-motivated incident shall be provided to students, staff, and parents/guardians.

This policy shall be posted in a prominent location on the district's website in a manner that is readily and easily accessible to parents/guardians and students.  (Education Code 234.6)


Any staff member who is notified that hate-motivated behavior has occurred, observes such behavior, or otherwise becomes aware of an incident shall immediately contact the compliance officer responsible for coordinating the district's response to complaints and complying with state and federal civil rights laws. As appropriate, the staff member shall also contact law enforcement.

A student or parent/guardian who believes the student is a victim of hate-motivated behavior is encouraged to report the incident to a teacher, the principal, the district's compliance officer, or other staff member.

Any complaint of hate-motivated behavior shall be investigated and, if determined to be discriminatory, shall be resolved in accordance with law and the district's uniform complaint procedures specified in AR 1312.3 - Uniform Complaint Procedures or other applicable procedure. If, during the investigation, it is determined that a complaint is about nondiscriminatory behavior, the principal or designee shall inform the complainant and shall take all necessary actions to resolve the complaint.

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The Board of Education recognizes the harmful effects of bullying on student well-being, student learning, and school attendance and desires to provide a safe school environment that protects students from physical and emotional harm. No individual or group shall, through physical, written, verbal, visual, or other means, harass, sexually harass, threaten, intimidate, cyberbully, cause bodily injury to, or commit hate violence against any student or school personnel, or retaliate against them for filing a complaint or participating in the complaint resolution process.

The Superintendent or designee shall develop strategies for addressing bullying in district schools with the involvement of students, parents/guardians, and staff. As appropriate, the Superintendent or designee may also collaborate with social services, mental health services, law enforcement, courts, and other agencies and community organizations in the development and implementation of effective strategies to promote safety in schools and the community.

Such strategies shall be incorporated into the comprehensive safety plan and, to the extent possible, into the local control and accountability plan and other applicable district and school plans.

Any complaint of bullying shall be investigated and, if determined to be discriminatory, resolved in accordance with law and the district's uniform complaint procedures specified in AR 1312.3. If, during the investigation, it is determined that a complaint is about nondiscriminatory bullying, the principal or designee shall inform the complainant and shall take all necessary actions to resolve the complaint.

If the Superintendent or designee believes it is in the best interest of a student who has been the victim of an act of bullying, as defined in Education Code 48900, the Superintendent or designee shall advise the student's parents/guardians that the student may transfer to another school.  If the parents/guardians of a student who has been the victim of an act of bullying requests a transfer for the student pursuant to Education Code 46600, the Superintendent or designee shall allow the transfer in accordance with law and district policy on intradistrict or interdistrict transfer, as applicable.

Any employee who permits or engages in bullying or retaliation related to bullying shall be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal.

BP 5131.2 Bullying

AR 5131.2 Bullying


CDE Compiled Resources - Bullying Prevention Training & Resources

The California Department of Education compiled a list of resources that provide support to youths and their families who have been subjected to school-based discrimination, harassment, intimidation, or bullying. Click here to view.